Thursday, 5 December 2019


Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is designed to run continuously in the background. If a positive match occurs, a police officer and various district administrators are alerted by e-mail or cell phone text message. This utility will install the latest software for your vSoft equipment and upgrade your scanner templates. Restarting the service will cause the yellow light to appear , but will automatically change to green or red depending on the status. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the drivers and updates. raptorware software

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Program keeps track of school visitors

All scanners and printers will now communicate with vSoft and should be working properly. Comments Error posting comment. The most common release is 3. Which Windows OS versions does it run on? Yellow is a temporary status.

raptorware software

Yes Installs a service. The Windows Installer is used for the installation, maintenance, and removal. This utility will install the latest software for your vSoft equipment and upgrade your scanner templates.

Thank you for commenting! As part of the district's security software, it installed a program called V-soft, a Web-based visitor-tracking software made by Houston's Raptor Technologies Inc. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the drivers and raptorare. If your service light is lit green, this normally indicates that your service is active and running.

Program keeps track of school visitors - Chicago Tribune

If a positive match occurs, a police officer and various district administrators are alerted by e-mail or cell phone text message. Right-clicking on the service will allow you to start, stop and restart the service. Searching a public site, such as the Illinois State Police, could take longer. This normally means that the service is not running, or stopped working.

raptorware software

The Bourbonnais Elementary School District 53 became a safer place to learn last year. Should I remove Vsoft Hardware Service? Gaptorware checks visitors against all available databases of registered sex offenders.

Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is designed to run continuously in the background. What percent of users and experts removed it? Which OS releases does it run on? Currently, 42 states maintain such databases, including Illinois.

Click Start to begin to run the service. Even then, Roman said, users can search only a single state police database at a time, while V-soft scans all state police departments that keep lists of registered sex offenders.

Cathy Allers, the assistant superintendent of the Bourbonnais district, explained that "if a sex offender walks in, [V-soft] automatically sends a signal to the school [police] officer--a uniformed, gun-carrying, Bourbonnais police officer.

Vsoft Hardware Service

Users with limited rights may not be able to access this section of Windows and local administrator rights may be required. Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their Raptorwarre, most are running Windows 10 and Windows XP.

Without this tool, you will be unable to use the Dymo or new ActiveX 2. If vSoft displays an notice that your service is not running, please try restarting this service. Help others learn more about this software, share your comments. Camscan Scanners will display a raprorware light on the front of the scanner indicating the service is running and your scanner is initialized. How common is it?

The vSoft Client Hardware Service is a tool designed to allow communication from your hardware devices to the vSoft web page. If your service light is lit red, this indicates a problem with the service.

After the scan, a badge is printed for the visitor, which includes their name, the date and time of their visit and a photograph, which the system scans from the driver's license.

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